Non-Sequiturs: 06.13.17
* Professor Ann Althouse wants to know: What's the theory that take-home exams redress gender inequity? [Althouse] * Legal analytics versus legal research: what's the difference? Owen Byrd of Lex Machina explains. [Law Technology Today] * Professor Noah Feldman is not a fan of the Ninth Circuit's recent ruling on Trump Travel Ban 2.0. [Bloomberg View via How Appealing] * And Professor Sam Bray is not a fan of nationwide injunctions in the travel ban litigation. [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post] * My colleague Elie Mystal yesterday offered an ideological critique of Justice Ginsburg's opinion in Morales-Santana; Professor Will Baude has a technical one (and I think he might be right). [PrawfsBlawg] * Mollie Hemingway respectfully dissents from the James Comey lovefest. [The Federalist]