James B. Comey


Non-Sequiturs: 06.13.17

* Professor Ann Althouse wants to know: What's the theory that take-home exams redress gender inequity? [Althouse] * Legal analytics versus legal research: what's the difference? Owen Byrd of Lex Machina explains. [Law Technology Today] * Professor Noah Feldman is not a fan of the Ninth Circuit's recent ruling on Trump Travel Ban 2.0. [Bloomberg View via How Appealing] * And Professor Sam Bray is not a fan of nationwide injunctions in the travel ban litigation. [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post] * My colleague Elie Mystal yesterday offered an ideological critique of Justice Ginsburg's opinion in Morales-Santana; Professor Will Baude has a technical one (and I think he might be right). [PrawfsBlawg] * Mollie Hemingway respectfully dissents from the James Comey lovefest. [The Federalist]


Non-Sequiturs: 06.07.17

* Ben Wittes on James Comey's prepared testimony (which he'll deliver tomorrow): "the most shocking single document compiled about the official conduct of the public duties of any President since the release of the Watergate tapes." [Lawfare] * Could the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program be eliminated -- retroactively? Thoughts from Professor Gregory Crespi. [SSRN] * The California Supreme Court appears less than enthused about a ballot measure that would compel the courts to decide death penalty cases more quickly. [How Appealing] * Behind every great bestseller is... a tiger mother? How Amy Chua mentored J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy (affiliate link). [The Atlantic] * Picking up on Shannon Achimalbe's post from earlier today, here's additional financial advice for young lawyers. [SoFi] * Legal technology is a godsend -- but what do you do when problems arise? [Reboot Your Law Practice] * Mark your calendars: one week from today, on June 14 in San Francisco, it's the Battle of the (Law Firm) Bands! [Family Violence Appellate Project]


Non-Sequiturs: 05.19.17

* Holy smokes! What subject just led the en banc Eleventh Circuit to issue almost 300 pages worth of opinions? [How Appealing] * I'm all in favor of anonymous blogging, but there's no denying that it can be hazardous to one's Article III ambitions. [BuzzFeed] * It's not just President Donald Trump's handshakes that can be dangerous (just ask Justice Neil Gorsuch); he's weaponized the hug as well, as James Comey learned. [Althouse] * A high-profile visitor over at the Volokh Conspiracy: renowned First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams will be blogging about his new book, The Soul of the First Amendment (affiliate link). [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post] * Speaking of books, here's Professor Lisa Pruitt on J.D. Vance's (critically acclaimed, bestselling) memoir, Hillbilly Elegy (affiliate link): "I knew Yale law degrees were valuable, but Vance’s seems to be working miracles." * And here are some reflections from Professor Andrew Guthrie Ferguson on whether fear should be part of the law school experience. [PrawfsBlawg] * Mark your calendars: June 14 in San Francisco, Battle of the (Law Firm) Bands! [Family Violence Appellate Project]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 05.12.17

* What's the over–under on how long acting FBI director Andrew McCabe will keep his current post? [New York Times] * And Democratic senators want answers -- lots of answers -- from deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein. [Washington Post] * Following up on our list of top law schools with great employment outcomes, here's a broader look at the latest ABA employment data. [ABA Journal] * And following up on our recent round-ups of possible judicial nominees in the Trump administration, here's a name for one of the open Third Circuit seats in Pennsylvania. [CA3 blog via How Appealing] * A lawsuit claims that a Biglaw behemoth is trying to invalidate the same patents it prosecuted -- not a good look. [Daily Business Review] * Former Biglaw chair J. Stephen Poor ruminates on the riches of this year's top Am Law 100 firms. [Big Law Business] * Robert Post looks back over his eight years as dean of Yale Law School. [Law.com]


Non-Sequiturs: 05.05.17

* What does Biglaw firm Cozen O'Connor share in common with Brooklyn hipsters? [Philadelphia Business Journal] * Glenn Reynolds offers concise commentary on Comey. [Instapundit] * "Kozinski, circuit judge, ruminating" -- yeah, you know you want to click.... [Volokh Conspiracy] * Professor Ann Althouse does not "like" punishing high school students for their Facebook activity. [Althouse] * And Professor Orly Lobel questions the use of noncompetes, especially in terms of low-wage workers and women. [New York Times via PrawfsBlawg] * How many Jewish justices have we had in Supreme Court history? [U.S. National Archives via How Appealing]